Welcome to the Georgia Municipal Clerks Association

GMCA President

Members are urged to become more involved in committees to bring new vision and ideas to the table.

GMCA President
Deborah Walker-Reed, City Clerk
City of St. Mary's

GMCA Education

Georgia Clerks Education Institute

Each year, thousands of elected and appointed government officials and administrators enroll in continuing education opportunities offered by the Institute of Government. These officials and administrators take part in over 600 training and education courses that improve their knowledge and skills. Participants benefit from the advanced instructional tools and broad expertise that our instructors bring to all of their education and professional development programs.

Christina M. Collins Carl Vinson Institute of Government | Program Coordinator III
University of Georgia 201 N. Milledge Avenue | Athens, GA 30602
Office: (706)542-4240 christina.collins1@uga.edu | www.cviog.uga.edu

Mandated Training (Click here for more information)
Any person hired or appointed to serve as the clerk of the governing authority of a Georgia municipality shall attend and complete a course of training on matters pertaining to the basic performance of his or her official duties. Click on the Mandated Training headline above for more details.

For current information on training:


GMCA Resources