


Co-Chair Sharon Nelson, City of Calhoun
Chair Vernice Thompson, City of Hazlehurst

The composition of the GMCA Elections Committee shall be as noted below:
Chairperson: Vice-President
Co-Chair: Treasurer
Members: (1) Past President
(2) District Directors
GMCA Business Manager shall serve as an Ex-Officio Member
Committee Members shall be selected by the Chairperson.

To conduct and supervise all elections and other necessary voting by GMCA members.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Board of Directors shall determine matters that require votes to be taken by the membership. When such matters are determined, the Elections Chair in conjunction with the Business Manager shall determine when to notify the membership via email and postings to the website what matters will be voted on. Work with Business Manager to identify votes to be taken by Members of the Body.

At the GMCA Business Meeting in February, the Vice President succeeds to President, the Treasurer succeeds to Vice President, the Secretary succeeds to Treasurer, and a new Secretary is added to Office. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and District Directors of the Association shall take office immediately upon taking the oath of office at the February Business Meeting.

A. Election of Secretary to the Executive Board
1. Voting for the Secretary will be conducted electronically in January of each year (see Nominations Committee Sect. A. 3).
2. If there is only one candidate for Secretary, no election is held, If there are two or more candidates GMCA will conduct an election electronically the second week in January.

1. The Business Manager will provide a list of all paid active members. Each active member shall be entitled to one vote.
2. The Chair shall work with the Business Manager to prepare an electronic ballot to be emailed to each active member the second week of January. Active Members shall have five days to cast their ballots.

4. The decisions will be determined via plurality vote. In the event of a tie vote, an electronic ballot shall be prepared and a run-off election period shall be opened for 2 days in the third week of January.

5. The Committee shall meet no later than the third Friday in January to review and certify the results of the electronic vote.
6. Once the Elections Chair has certified the results of the vote, a letter will be sent via mail or electronically to the Nominations Committee Chair and to the President. The President will ask the Business Manager to notify the membership about the results of the elections via email.

December: Work with Business Manager to prepare and send electronic ballots (2nd week in January)
January: Meet to Certify the results of electronic ballots (3rd week)