The composition of the GMCA Nominations Committee shall be as noted below:
Chairperson: Immediate Past President
Co-Chair: Treasurer
Members: President
Vice President
(1) Active Past President
(1) District Director
Business Manager shall serve as Ex-Officio member
PURPOSE The Nominations Committee is to prepare a slate of GMCA Officers and Directors from the GMCA membership for the ensuing term to be elected at the Board Meeting in February.
A. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES – Nominations for Office of Secretary
1. The Business Manager will maintain and provide a list of current and past District Directors from the active GMCA membership for the office of Secretary. The Committee will solicit applications for candidates for the office of Secretary from current and past District Directors.
2. Determine if the candidate(s) meet(s) all qualifications. Selection shall be based on eligibility, experience, participation, demonstrated leadership, and diversity in membership, geographic location/size and other criteria as set forth in the Constitution in Article VI - Officers, Section 6.5 - Qualifications.
3. If there is more than one candidate, the Committee Chair will notify the Elections Committee to prepare the electronic ballot for submission to the membership for casting votes no later than the second week in January. The Committee will contact candidates to confirm.
4. If there is only one candidate who is determined to be unqualified for the office of Secretary, the Nominations Committee shall start the process over.
5. Once the Elections Chair has certified the results of the vote, a letter will be sent via mail or electronically to the Nominations Committee Chair and to the President. The President will ask the Business Manager to notify the membership about the results of the elections via email.
6. The successful candidate will assume the office of Secretary when the Oath of Office is administered at the February Business meeting.
B. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES – Nominations for District Directors
1. Work with the Business Manager to send notice to each GMCA member notifying of an upcoming vacancy of the District Director within that District and work with the President to remind the membership of upcoming District vacancies.
2. Nominations should be received on or before December 1. The Chair shall compile the list of candidates and forward to the Business Manager to confirm active membership in GMCA. The Chairperson shall forward the list of confirmed candidates to Committee members.
3. A Committee meeting will then be called to discuss the list of proposed candidates for District Directors and determine if the candidate(s) meet all qualifications. Selection shall be based on eligibility, experience, participation, demonstrated leadership, and diversity in membership, geographic location/size and other criteria as set forth in the Constitution in Article VII - District Director, Section 7.3 - Qualifications.
4. The Committee, if possible, shall select at least two choices for each position in the event one cannot serve. If there is more than one candidate for a District Director slot, the Committee will work with the Business Manager to review the Applications to ensure that each candidate is qualified. If there is only one candidate and he/she is determined to be unqualified for the District Director slot, the Nominations Committee shall start the process over.
5. When the slate is tentatively agreed upon by the Committee, the Chair shall contact the candidates for confirmation and advise the Committee of the findings. In the event additional candidates are needed, the Committee may suggest others to the Chair, and upon making contact the Committee will be advised when the proposed slate of District Directors is confirmed.
6. The work of the Nominations Committee should be complete on or before December 15th. The Committee will contact candidates to confirm.
7. When there is more than one candidate, the President will work with the Business Manager to distribute the proposed slate of District Directors and Officers to the membership for electronic vote no later than the second week in January; if there is only one candidate, that candidate will take office at the February Business Meeting. Electronic voting shall be open for five days. Following the close of the voting period, the Business Manager will notify the President and Board of Directors of the results.
8. The successful candidates for District Directors will assume office when the Oath of Office is administered at the February Business Meeting.
DEADLINES – Office of Secretary
September - November: Solicit applications (see Sect. A.1 & 2) J
anuary: If more than one candidate (see Sect. A. 3-5) an electronic ballot will be prepared and submitted electronically for membership voting DEADLINES – District Directors September: Business Manager will send notice to membership of upcoming vacancy of District Director (see Sect. B. 1-3) Upcoming vacancies shall be announced at the September Business Meeting.
November: Nominations received before December 1, list of candidates compiled and forwarded to Business Manager to confirm active membership. (see Sect. B. 2) December: Called Committee Meeting 1st week in December to discuss list of candidates. Select at least two choices for each Position. When slate is agreed upon, contact candidates for confirmation and complete process by December 15. (see Sect. B. 5-6)
January: Have slate of Officers and District Directors distributed to membership for electronic vote by the second week in January. Results should be certified no later than the third week in January.